Monday, February 11, 2008


Mission Not Accomplished

I had a plan to blog on Saturday with the Title "Mission Accomplished" . The reason being that after numerous trips to Best Buy in Dec, Jan and Feb I finally found a WII in stock and I bought one. I became obsessed with the idea of getting one a little before Christmas then Keri said my Christmas present would be a WII. I told her we could split the cost.
I had heard stories from Friends that Best Buy gets new WII's on Tuesday and Thursdays mornings. I kept checking the best buy on Clark but no luck. Finally last weekend we went to the Best Buy on Elston and they said that their product shipments come in Monday and Friday nights so the following morning is when you might be able to get one. I went to the BB on Elston and go there about 9:45 and there was already people waiting outside. With in less then 2 minutes of opening, all 6 WII's had been removed from the shelf by customers, with me being one of the lucky few. Keri and I ran errands all day so it was not till the evening that I finally got a chance to try it out. And to my suprise nothing appeared on the screen. I ended up trying it on 3 different TV's and realized it was not the TV. So I called Nintendo yesterday and they think its either a bad video cable or bad hard drive. I am hoping for bad video cable. I will be hitting Best Buy tonight and having them test it. So wish me luck.


Good luck!
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