Monday, November 19, 2007


I found a loop hole and now I am going to hell

I have been taking this history class on medieval Europe. It is really awesome. One of the things that we have focused a lot on is the Church and its rise. I was reading a creed that was put out by the 4th Lateran Council in 1215. It stated that Mary was the ever virgin. I have heard this statement before that Mary and Joseph never had sex even after Jesus. By most standards I believe that a marriage is not valid until is has been consumated. Since Mary and Joseph never did then they really don't qualify as ever having been married. Based on that it makes Jesus a child out of wedlock. I believe in modern society we refer to these types of children as bastards. So in essence Jesus was a bastard. And now I am going to hell.

Good to know that the war on logic is going strong!
I had never heard of the ever virgin-I think that is mainly a Catholic belief that the protestants left behind after the reformation (which I do not know alot about).

"By most standards I believe that a marriage is not valid until is has been consumated." And there is the problem, you put OUR standards on a situation where the culture was quite different & completely ordained by God. I don't think you can really use our terms to describe this highly unique situation.
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