Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Wireless home networking

I was asked by my old boss at work for wireless home network issue he is having. He wants to be able to sit in his backyard and still access his network. I originally recommended getting a wireless range extender or relay which essentially just takes a signal and boost it. So imagine it like adding another lilly pad between you and the land so you can hop there and then make it to land. Relays though have to be in range enough of your wireless router to boost it. Depending on how far away your going to be or how many walls are in the way you could end up needing more then one. So while search for them I found these. Pretty cool little devices that plug in your electrical outlet and your router and then you plug the other end in the area you want to get a wireless signal. So as long as he has an outlet or extension cord that can run outside he should be all set. Pretty cool little devices.

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