Friday, April 20, 2007


I am so pissed

There is some new project at work that is geared to make everyone more efficient. Based on that I just found out that on Monday I need to report to a different location. Its not just me, there is a whole bunch of people. I need to know go all the way out to another location near O'hare. This fracking sucks. The reason it sucks is because for the last few weeks I have been allowed to work at home most days. The other part that sucks is that I now need to go all the way downtown and to Lincoln park for school from all the way out there.

Talk about messing with people. How can they only give me one day notice.

That does suck! I can't believe they did that with only one day notice!!
I didn't realize you were only given a day's notice. Crazy.

But hey, I don't even have a MANAGER. So what can you do?
Is this a once in a while thing? Or will you be WORKING from the near O'Hare location!?

That TOTALLY blows!
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