Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Two things

Two quick things.
First how do I get on the show 1vs100. I think I can do really well.

Second, who agree's that Lost Boys is the best vampire movie ever. Its been a while since I seen it but I think its just the bee's knees.

Never seen the show - so I have no idea.

Saw Lost Boys YEARS ago - hardly remember it.

Etymology on Bee's Knees
Looks like you can play along online:

If you win this, then I'll do more work for your lazy ass and figure out how you get on the actual show.

Lost Boys is overrated. Sorry.
Lost Boys is no good. Underworld and Underworld: Evolution are much better. Dracula 2000 is wicked underrated.
Dracula 2000 is horrible. Underworld is a great movie. The second one was okay just not as good as the first. I still think that Lost Boys is the best vampire movie ever.
I think your mom is the best vampire movie ever.
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